The popular (full strength) range of U-Brew It beers
*St Louis Lager 4.3% | Budweiser | Typical American Pilsner. Light colour and body with a fresh aromatic hop. |
*Colorado Lager 4.8% | Coors | Very clean, light dry lager with minimal malt. |
Rockingham Dry | Hahn Super Dry | Golden Coloured Australian style lager with a dry finish |
*American Draft 4.8% | Genuine Draft | Low bitterness, low hop, golden coloured. Typical draft beer. |
*Irish Red 4.8% | Tooheys Red | Light malt and fresh hop flavour make this an ideal beer for a dry hot day. |
MCG Bitter 4.8% | VB | Slightly sweet on the palate with a clean hop finish. |
Forester’s Lager 4.9% | Fosters Lager | The beer that made Australia famous. Light and well hopped for summer. |
Kings Lager 4.8% | Crown Lager | Light coloured, full flavoured lager with finely balanced malt and slightly sweet finish. |
Southern Premium 5.5% | Southwark | Distinctive hoppiness to disguise Adelaide’s off tasting water. |
*Mountain Lager 5.1% | Cascade | Light textured lager with a light malt flavour and extremely smooth hop finish. |
Caribbean Lager 4.5% | Red Stripe | Light coloured, light bodied Caribbean style beer. Sit back & watch the sunset. |
*Mexican Crown 4.7% | Corona | Pale, light beer perfect for a dry hot summers day. |
New Zealand Lager 4.9% | Stein Lager | Perfect beer if you’re homesick (Kiwi). |
*Running Bird Bitter 4.4% | Emu Bitter | Amber coloured with pronounced bitterness and aroma. |
Kelly's Ale | Coopers Pale Ale | Australia's original Pale Ale |
*Running Bird Export 4.2% | Emu Export | Typical West Aussie lager. |
*Malayan Pilsner 4.9% | Tiger Lager | Classic light bodied Pilsner style. |
Hodes Ice 4.6% | Hahn Ice | Light bodied Australian. |
*Canuck Lager 4.9% | Molson Canadian | Canadian light bodied lager with medium bitterness. |
*Thai Pilsner 4.7% | Singha | A straw coloured light bodied pilsner. |
*Chinese Pilsner 4.8% | Tsing Tao | A golden coloured light bodied pilsner styled beer. |
Malaga Chill 4.8% | Carlton Cold | Full flavoured Australian styled lager. |
Bali Bitter 4.5% | Bintang |
A pale golden coloured, light bodied beer. Medium bitterness with medium hop flavour and aroma. |
*Demon Bitter 4.8% | Melbourne Bitter |
One for the Melbournians who are finding it hard to change. |
UBI Blondey 4.7% | Pure Blonde | A classic lo-carb light bodied beer. |
Chelada 4.0% | Millers Chill |
An easy drinking lager with a twist of lime. |
Four Ace Bitter 4.7% | XXXX | Classic Queensland style. Medium light bodied. |
Malaga Draught 4.9% | Carlton Draught | Light bodied, low hop, low bitterness, smooth style beer. |
Black Bird Draught 4.8% | Swan Draught | The best from WA. |
Irish New 4.6% | Tooheys New | A golden coloured beer with low bitterness. |
Redwood Ale 4.5% | Original | Soft light wheat beer with fine hops and clean fruity finish. |
Irish Old 4.3% | Tooheys Old | Smooth grain flavours. Perfect early morning beer. |
*Canadian Lager 4.9% | Moosehead | A strong well-matured lager with delicate hops and rich texture. |
*Canadian Pilsner 4.9% | Blue Pilsner | Light malt flavour with a full firm finish. |
Danish Lager 4.8% | Carlsberg | Soft lager with well-balanced flavour. |
Czech Pils 4.7% | Pilsner Urquell | A beer that doesn’t just say hops it shouts hops. |
Danish Pilsner 4.8% | Tuborg | Roasted malt with slightly floral hopiness. |
Dutch Dark Lager 4.9% | Heineken Dark | Dark and flavoursome but not heavy. Good Christmas dinner brew. |
Dutch Lager 4.7% | Grolsch | A classic Dutch pilsner style beer. |
*Dutch Pilsner 4.8% | Heineken | Classic pilsner, smooth fruity flavour, fine hop bitterness and a clean dry finish. |
*Scottish Lager 4.9% | Tennants Lager | Distinctive lager from the highlands of Scotland. Rich, smooth and goes down like a dream. |
Malaga Dry 4.8% | Carlton Dry | Light bodied, low hop flavour with a dry finish. |
Japanese Lager 4.9% | Sapporo Lager | Golden coloured light bodied Japanese lager. |
Mexican Dark Lager 4.5% | Dos Equis | Medium bodied Mexican style lager. |
Newcastles Finest 4.9% | Newcastle Brown | Medium bodied brown ale style. |
Golden Wheat Lager 4.8% | Original/td> | Delicate wheat aftertaste leaving your tastebuds begging for more. |
Compass Lager 4.2% | Great Northern | Crisp on the palate with a refeshingly dry finish. |
Steam Beer 4.8% | Anchor Steam | American specialty. |
*Tokyo Gold 4.3% | Kirin | Golden light bodied Japanese beer. |
*Jackle Lager 4.2% | Dingo Lager | A Classic "Fun in the Sun" beer! |
Canadian Dry 4.9% | Labbatt Dry | Light coloured, dry style mounty. |
Irish Dry 5.0% | Tooheys Dry | Very dry light bodied Aussie. |
*Japanese Dry 4.9% | Asahi Dry | A light coloured light bodied styled beer. Sweet start with a medium to dry finish. |
*Japanese Super Dry 4.9% | Asahi Super Dry | A golden coloured light bodied pilsner styled beer. A dry finish. |
Munich Lager 4.5% | Becks | Distinctive lager that hails from Germany, give it a go. |
UBI Premium 4.9% | Hahn Premium | Light bodied premium, the best of Australian |
*Tassie Lager 4.9% | James Boag Draught | Light golden coloured beer with low bitterness and medium hop flavour. |
Spades Gold Ale 4.9% | Speights Gold | Dark coloured ale with low bitterness, hop flavour and hop aroma. |
Daktari 5% | Lion Larger | A crisp, light golden larger with low/medium bitterness, hop flavour and hop aroma. |
Tassie Premium 4.6% | Boags Premium | Premium light bodied larger. |
Rascals Pilsner 4.6% | Reschs | A classic pilsner with medium bitterness. |
Palma IPA 4.1% | Palmers Draft IPA | Classic golden coloured pale ale with medium bitterness. |
*Low Gluten option available |